As in any big event blockbuster movie, there was an open call in Fayetteville, Ga. on Dec. 10 & 11th for kids for the upcoming Marvel movie, "Avengers: Infinity War." announced, and in this open call, the cast list was published. As reported on, the cast includes: "BAFTA Award nominee Chris Hemsworth as Thor, Academy Award nominee Josh
Brolin as Thanos, Saturn Award Winner Chris Pratt as Star Lord / Peter
Quill, Teen Choice Awards nominee Sebastian Stan as Bucky, four-time
Golden Globe Award nominee Scarlett Johansson as Natasha Romanoff /
Black Widow, Academy Award nominee Benedict Cumberbatch as Dr. Stephen
Strange, Academy Award winner Brie Larson as Carol Danvers / Captain
Marvel, ALMA Award winner Zoe Saldana as Gamora, Empire Award winner
Karen Gillan as Nebula, two-time Academy Award nominee Jeremy Renner as
Clint Barton / Hawkeye, two-time Saturn Award nominee Chris Evans as
Steve Rogers / Captain America, BAFTA Awards nominee Elizabeth Olsen as
Wanda Maximoff / Scarlet, four-time Academy Award nominee Bradley Cooper
as Rocket Raccoon, Screen Actors Guild Awards nominee Vin Diesel as
Groot, Academy Award nominee Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury, Screen
Actors Guild Awards nominee Paul Rudd as Scott Lang / Ant-Man, British
Independent Film Awards nominee Benedict Wong as Wong, Action on Film
Award winner Dave Bautista as Drax, BAFTA Film Award nominee Paul
Bettany as Vision, Santa Barbara International Film Festival Virtuoso
Award winner Chadwick Boseman as T’Challa / Black Panther, three-time
Academy Award nominee Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner / The Hulk, and
two-time Academy Award nominee Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark / Iron
You may notice that in the middle of that wall of text is "Academy Award winner Brie Larson as Carol Danvers / Captain
Marvel." This will be the first appearance of any Captain Marvel on the big screen sine the 1941 serial "The Adventures of Captain Marvel," the first time on any live-action screen since "Legends of the Superheroes" in 1979, the only time Carol Danvers has appeared on any screen outside of the "Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes" animated series, the "Avengers Assemble" spoof series, and on episode of the "X-Men" animated series. The name "Captain Marvel" is part of the credit the actor is given, so this would make it the very first time Carol Danvers has appeared as Captain Marvel anywhere.
Of course it is old news that Brie Larsen will be playing the character, and that the character will be in this movie, but that doesn't stop the clickbait press from latching onto this announcement for their headlines. Nor do things like the star-studded, all-star superhero cast.
One thing I find amazing is not just that every cast member named has won or been nominated for some sort of award, but the great diversity of awards mentions. In addition to the obligatory Academy Awards, I see BAFTA (British Academy of Film and Television Arts), Screen Actor's Guild, Empire Awards, Saturn Awards, Teen Choice Awards, Action on Film Awards, and (getting the award for longest name without an acronym) the Santa Barbara International Film Festival Virtuoso Awards.
What this tells me is that superheroes have hit the big time. Old news, I know, but considering the kind of dreck that Hollywood has been shoveling out for decades, it's at least nice that top-level talent is embracing a genre for which I have such affection.
If this brings more people into comic book shops, and some of these people discover the depth and breadth of the potential of the medium, and this enriches their lives, then it will be worth it.
I found this bit of news on the following pages:
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