That's right folks, there's hardly a corner of I-Con in which the Captain will not be found in this year!
First, on Saturday, there will be the annual lecture on the history of Armor and Chivalry at 2:00 PM in room A322 of the Field House at Suffolk County Community College Grant Campus in Brentwood. http://www.newyorkknights.captainzorikh.com/
Next, The Death Star Repairmen will be performing a full hour of music at 6 PM in the Islip Room of the Holiday Inn, Ronkonkoma. Http://www.captainzorikh.com/dsr
For the first time in five years I will not be performing in the Cabaret, but I will be helping judge the costume contest in the Masquerade Saturday night sometime between 10 PM and 12:30 at the Crystal Room of the Holiday Inn, Ronkonkoma.
Then I will be rushing over to screen the latest version of “Combat Twister and the further battles of Kim Fu Yu and Jenny Rancid” at 1:00 AM in the Renoir Room of the Islandia Marriott Hotel as part of the “I-Con After Dark” programming. Http://www.captainzorikh.com/combattwister
The next day, Sunday, at 2 PM, in room A214 of the Field House at Suffolk County Community College Grant Campus in Brentwood, I will be hosting the “Top Ten” discussion panel, an amusing hour in which we will be creating “top 10” lists about everything sci-fi, fantasy, horror, comics, medieval, and more!
Finally, immediately following that, on Sunday at 3 PM, yours truly will be lecturing on Captain Marvel Culture, the history of the many Captain Marvels, in room A315 of the Field House at Suffolk County Community College Grant Campus in Brentwood. Http://www.captainmarvelculture.com
And in between all those times I will be in the dealer's room selling my latest CD's, comics, videos and more!
Then its back to the real world, where we are still working on the next Captain Zorikh thing, “Redemption,” the movie that will do for submission grappling what “Rocky” did for boxing, “Karate Kid” did for youth karate, “Bad News Bears” did for little league baseball, and “Role Models” did for LARPing! Http://www.captainzorikh.com/redemption.
You can check out all about the convention, including admission directions, and other programming by going to http://www.iconsf.org.
See you there!
Captain Zorikh